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Maintaining Your Waistline for the Holidays

Maintaining Your Waistline for the Holidays

21st Apr 2022

 pumpkin pie

The holidays are a favorite time of year for lots of folks. They bring families together and gift-giving provides a sense of joy for the giver and receiver. And of course, what are the holidays without great foods? More specifically sweets! Chocolates and cakes and pies oh my! The typical American is going to at least share in a taste for most of the sweets and tasty goodies presented before them. Unfortunately for those persons who are diabetic or borderline diabetic, this could be problematic for their health. Below you’ll find some helpful tips on ways to maintain your waistline this holiday season.

  1. Look, but don’t touch! — It’s okay to window-shop food just like you would for clothes or any other object that is out of your price-range. Think of unhealthy foods along those same lines. Unhealthy foods are out of your price range. Your well-being simply cannot afford those sweets! No matter how good they look, think of your body as you would your low-bank account. If you don’t have the money to spend, then you don’t. Same thing goes for your health. If you’re already suffering from medical conditions, you can’t afford to make it worse with those tempting desserts.
  2. If you must, then proceed with caution–Portion control! — Say you’re the type who has anxiety during the holidays caused by the strain of your family. A way to put that to ease for many of us is through stress eating. So, if you simply cannot find the willpower within yourself to abstain, then try having a small portion of the sweet your heart most desires, then chase it with some water. Make yourself a tiny plate with just a few bites worth to appease your sweet tooth and your anxious feelings.
  3. Fill up on healthy bites first — One way to curb your appetite for the dangerous food selections is to fill up on healthy food first. Eat a full meal at home before you venture out into the world of temptation!

delicious christmas candies and desserts

4. Substitution — Another great way to maintain your resistance to the delicious desserts you’re presented with is to make some that are less filling and that contain healthier items. Instead of heavy peanut butter pies, make a light, low-calorie angel food cake.

5. Lay off the booze! — Alcohol is chocked full of sugar. Alcohol on its own has been proven to cause weight gain, but on top of that, typically when you’re drinking it’s common to get the munchies and therefore you end up ingesting even more calories. So, if you must, enjoy a celebratory toast, but take the exit on the full glass of wine or beer choices available. Opt for water or a carbonated low sugar beverage instead.

holiday champagne toast

Hopefully, the five suggestions above help you to curb your temptations and you can get through the holiday season without gaining unhealthy pounds. For Diabetics, this is especially important.

To always ensure your safety, visit our site; StickyJ Medical ID for Diabetic bracelets, plus other personalized medical jewelry choices including medical alert necklaces, medical ID bracelets and more. Additionally, if you’re shopping for customized gifts, visit our sister site Thoughtful Impressions for beautifully engraved jewelry and more.

From our family to you and yours, we hope you enjoy a lovely holiday season this year.